Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's a Love Story...

I realized that I mistakenly began this blog with notes and advanced research term papers from the 6th grade, when in fact, I have items that go even further back.

My first diary begins on my 11th birthday, July 4th, 2007. Not long after I was a bright-eyed 5th grader who was immediately drawn to a blonde hair, blue eyed boy named Ryan. The only problem was that he has just gotten out of a pretty long-term, serious relationship. Yes.. unfortunately Ryan and Robyn had been together since the 2nd grade at Roxbury Elementary. 

Apparently - even after befriending Robyn - I didn't care very much about their love, as evidenced by the following:

If you're wondering... yes, I did form an RG Club. As in, the initials of the boy I was in love with. You might think that I was the only member, but Robyn joined right in and Kristen tagged along for good measure. And no, my stringy mess of unkept hair did not look good - with or without layers.

Not long after this point, the R & R couple split and I thought it was going to be my chance! Kristen disagreed. Let's see why:

OH! Because he told me to drink puke. I see now. That's not a phrase of affection? "Hey honey, would you mind stopping to pick up some milk? Aww.. love you too! Drink vomit!"

But I showed her! 

I got this note around 10:00 am - if I recall correctly it was passed during class. (Math, maybe. Why else would it be on graph paper?)

I said yes! I was filled with joy and happiness and all the good things that come along with going out with the cute boy who has your same eye and hair color and might look like he's related to you!

And then he dumped me. Six hours later. When I got off the bus. The phone was ringing when I walked in the house.


But, as you know, all love stories have a happy ending - and this was mine:

(This may be difficult to read, both in content and appearance - so I will help you out. The post script here indicates that if Ryan and I keep going out - beyond six hours this time - I will buy a key chain that says 'He holds the key to my heart.')

Something like this, I'd imagine: 

Why did I love keychains so much?

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