Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Staying Power... of Ham.

So I started writing a book. And now, more than ever, has "The Hindsight Project" seemed so applicable. The truth is that my diary was the real account of how things went down (and then up! and then down. and then further down. and then a little up! and then down down down) with Thomas. 

In hind-hindsight, I was clearly so wrapped up in our relationship that I could only think of it in poetic, beautiful ways, which is why the story I tell in the "book" is slightly skewed from how it came out day-by-day in my blue canvas diary, then my pink striped diary, then the inspirational quote diary, and so on. 

This one is going to take a while to unfold, so please get comfortable for the story of my first real love, and heartbreak. (Sorry, Navid!)

Here's how it goes in my unfiltered words:

Ah, technology. I was so obsessed with this kid, planning out our kids names (Skyler & Shamus) and we had literally still never spoken a word to one another. I would stand in the hallway outside of the locker room after school with Rachel, just waiting for him to walk by on his way out to baseball. 

We'd act like we were meant to be there (which we clearly weren't since we got cut from the softball team after I ran out of tryouts crying because I got hit in the face with a softball.. and she followed me) until he walked by, head down. I'd whisper, "hi" and then run off, red faced and giggling. I'd immediately go home and sign Sparkl05 online so that I was READY when he signed on to have another amazing conversation.

3 1/2 hours = CONNECTION! (In case you didn't get that.)

And so began my dilemma of how to convince him to tell me he liked me, without me telling him first... I'll keep you posted.

Anyway, here's how the beginning of this relationship looks when romanticized:

Okay, I guess the ham part wasn't that romantic. It was more me being awkward and expecting a question about the expiration of ham to convince Conor that he wanted to be my friend again. 

Fortunately, Thomas (who was just as weird as I was) intercepted that comment and thought I was hilarious. I guess I really lucked out that someone thought so, as I was just informed at my birthday breakfast this year that I'm "much funnier at 24."

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