Sunday, May 8, 2011

How to Be a Boyfriend

Since I already filled you in on the requirements for being a best friend, I feel that my next duty is to explain how to be a good boyfriend. It's a little more complicated than the BFF rules, which is why it took me 5.5 pages to really express my 7th grade self. Some of these are pretty obvious, some you'll recognize from past stories told, and some I would still like to share with boyfriends I've had since the age of 12. 

You boys just don't learn sometimes. 

Rather than go through and comment on the many ridiculous things I've said here, I'm going to leave it up to you. Please pick your favorite rule(s) and make fun of me (and/or the boy in question) and share your thoughts in the comments below. 

And seriously, call her, damnit.


  1. Are you sure that the rock studying incident was all that innocent...?
